Background Checks

Certain individuals will be required to pass a background check prior to participation in Institute-run or -sponsored activities involving unaccompanied minors.
Background checks are conducted by a third-party vendor and consist of a social security number trace, a review of criminal convictions for the past seven years, and a review of the sex offender registry. Background checks are conducted in accordance with MIT’s Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) policy, Nondiscrimination Policy, and Massachusetts law. A prior conviction will not automatically disqualify a person from participating in a program or activity.
Any information discovered through the background check process is used solely to review an individual's suitability for a particular role at the Institute. More information can be found on MIT’s background check website.
Group Programs
The following categories of adults are required to undergo a criminal background check prior to their participation in Institute activities or programs involving unaccompanied minors:
- Supervisors of programs involving minors, including those responsible for supervising staff who interact directly with minors
- Those who stay overnight with minors as part of their job responsibilities in a program or activity involving minors
- Those who have direct contact with minors as part of their job or volunteer responsibilities, whether in person or online
For minors working as employees or interns at MIT, the minor’s Primary Supervisor and Alternate Supervisor must be background checked.
Third Party Programs
Non-MIT organizations and entities that operate programs or activities involving minors on campus must conduct criminal background checks of their employees, volunteers, and representatives who meet the above criteria. The Institute may request any additional information it deems reasonably necessary, as permissible by law, regarding the third party’s compliance with this requirement.
Limited Exceptions
Background checks are not required in the following circumstances:
- A one-day activity or visit* where at least two MIT adults are always present with each group of minors (e.g., guest lecture, presentation, demonstration), whether in-person or online
- A program/activity where parents and/or guardians attend with the participating minors
- A program/activity where outside groups provide their own chaperones (e.g., school field trip)
*This exception does not apply to multiple one-day events within the same academic year involving the same adults.
Recurring Background Checks
MIT faculty, staff, and students who work with minors must complete a background check every 4 years. All others must complete a background check annually.