Register Your Program

Program Administrators or Supervisors must register their program or activity involving unaccompanied minors at least one month prior to the commencement of the program by completing the online registration form. Continuing programs must re-register annually.
All programs and activities involving minors, whether or not they are accompanied by parents/chaperones, must contact EHS for a hazard assessment.
You will be required to submit the following information:
- Name of Program or Activity
- Dates of Program or Activity
- Description of Program or Activity
- Program Administrator/Supervisor Contact Information (name, email, phone)
- Age Range and Approximate Number of Minors Participating
- Other Relevant Details (e.g. overnight program, use of hazardous materials, lab/makerspace work, etc)
MIT Association of Student Activities (ASA) Clubs should register their programs with Student Organizations, Leadership and Engagement (SOLE) by submitting their Risk Assessment Form. Please also review the Event Planning information and other information available on the SOLE website.
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