Reporting of Abuse or Neglect

MIT is committed to promoting a safe environment for minors, including promoting practices that protect minors from abuse and neglect. In the case of an emergency, immediately call MIT Police at (617) 253-1212 or 911 to reach local police.
All Reports of Known or Suspected Abuse or Neglect of Minors
Anyone participating in an Institute-run program or activity involving minors who knows, suspects, or receives information indicating that a minor has been abused or neglected, or who has other concerns about the safety of minors, is expected to inform the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF). More information about warning signs of child abuse and neglect can be found at
In addition, one should promptly notify his or her supervisor or program director when it is safe and appropriate to do so. Reports of suspected abuse or neglect should also be made to The MIT Police, Cambridge Police Department, and Boston Police Department are also available to assist with such reports.
MIT will not retaliate or discriminate against any person who makes a good faith report of child abuse or neglect.
Additional Obligations for Mandated Reporters
In addition to the reporting obligations described above, certain individuals are mandated reporters who have additional obligations under Massachusetts law.
Massachusetts law designates individuals in certain occupations and professions as mandated reporters. Mandated reporters may include: physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, EMTs, drug and alcohol counselors, nurses, police officers, educational administrators, teachers, social workers, day care workers, and clergy and other persons employed by a church or religious body. Mandated reporters are subject to specific reporting requirements with the Department of Children and Families (DCF). A complete list of who is considered a mandated reporter under Massachusetts law is available at Mandated reporters who, in their professional capacity, have reasonable cause to believe that a child is suffering physical or emotional injury should report it immediately to DCF. Within 48 hours of making a verbal report, a mandated reporter must also file a written report with DCF detailing the suspected abuse or neglect. There is no need to investigate or wait for proof of abuse or neglect before reporting. The MIT Police Department is also available to assist mandated reporters throughout the process, and free online training is available through the Middlesex Children’s Advocacy Center.
Questions about reporting suspected abuse or neglect should be directed to