
Basic Guidelines

Area Inspection

The DLC/hosting unit is responsible for inspecting the area to be used prior to the activity to confirm that it is suitable and free of potential tripping, slipping or other hazards.

EHS Hazard Assessments

All programs for minors must contact their EHS Coordinator one month prior to the start of the program to determine if an EHS Hazard Assessment is required.  Depending on the outcome of the Hazard Assessment, an additional parental consent form may be required.  Further information about EHS safety precautions for minors can be found on the EHS website.

NOTE:  All programs that involve lab or machine shop activities MUST have an EHS Hazard Assessment conducted.  If the scope of a project changes during the course of a program or activity, EHS must be notified and an updated Hazard Assessment may be necessary.

One-day programs featuring only a lecture, tour, or demonstration do not require an EHS Hazard Assessment.

MIT Alert

MIT Alert is the Institute’s emergency notification program, designed to provide information and advisories via a number of communication channels including Institute voicemail, email, and text message for the safety and security of the MIT community. We encourage all staff and chaperones of MIT programs involving minors, as well as parents of participating children, to sign up for MIT Alert.